Tricks to Resolve 30180-28 – MS Office Installation/Upgrade Error

You may encounter the error code 30180-28 while installing/Upgrading MS Office 2010/2013/2016/2019 in Windows 7/8/10 Operating Systems. When you face this error, it means you are unable to process next and unable to install office suite. Here, we guide you about how can you fix this trouble easily.

Why MS Office Installation Error 30180-28?

Mainly this fault occurs due to bad registry value or installation blocked by the security program/firewall in the Windows machine. Apart from it, there are few more reasons that can raise this problem too.

  1. Bad Registry Settings
  2. Changes values in Registry keys
  3. Blocked by Virus/Antivirus/Firewall
  4. Some important system file is missing like dll file, exe file, sys file, ocx file etc.
  5. Unstable Internet Connection
  6. Windows Installer Malfunctioning
  7. Bad sector in Disk space
  8. Installation file is corrupted etc.
How to Fix 30180-28 – MS Office Installation Error?

There are few solutions that can resolve this issue efficiently. It is recommended you to apply all these steps with cautions and If you don’t have proper OS knowledge or you are a newbie then go for only Method 1.

Method 1: Fix using Advanced System Repair Tool

As I described earlier that mostly this problem happens because of Registry File Corruption, Improper Values in Registry Keys, Missing System Files, Virus/Trojan etc. Using Advanced System Repair Tool may fix this problem completely just in few clicks.

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Method 2: Disable Antivirus/Firewall for a moment

This is another great solution for this problem. Mostly Antivirus/firewall blocks most of the files getting stored in local drive or windows folder. When this happens, the installation gets failed in the middle of the process and you face the above Microsoft Office Installation Error. You may disable Antivirus/Firewall for a short time span and install MS Office again. Surely the error will be gone and you will feel a fresh and smooth installing.

Method 3: Use Proper Internet Connection

If you are having this problem while updating or upgrading MS Office then you must check for whether Internet connection is properly working or not. Sometimes your internet connection is working properly still it loses several packets of data. You may check packet loss using the following method. If there is packet loss in internet connection then wait for a good internet speed or go for the wired connection.

Steps 1: Open Command Prompt and type the following command:


Ping CMD

Step 2: Examine the packet loss.

Method 4: Disable Proxy

If you have enabled the proxy settings or your internet connection is behind the proxy then you may also get the 30180-28 Installation/Update error. Disable proxy and then try to Install/Update Office suite.

Step 1: Click on Start Menu > Settings > Network & Internet and then click on Proxy in the left-hand menu.

Open Proxy

Step 2: Turn on Automatically Detect Settings in Automatic proxy setup and Disable the Manual proxy setup.

Turn On Automatic Proxy

Turn Off Manual Proxy

Method 5: Restart Windows Installer Service

The Windows Installer Service is used for installing or updating apps/software in the PC. If you are having difficulties in Installing or Updating software in Windows Machine then you must Restart this service in order to remove 30180-28 error code. You may restart Windows Installer Service as follows:

Step 1: Open Run Windows by pressing Windows Key + R and then type services.msc and click OK or Press Enter. It will open Service Window.
Step 2: Find Windows Installer and Right click on it and select Start.

Start Windows Installer Service

Step 3: Reboot PC and then try to Install Updates again.

Method 6: Repair MS Office

If you are getting the error code 30180-28 in the existing installed Office Program then Repair Office Installation using the following method:

Step 1: Run Office Installer
Step 2: Now, Select Repair Option and Click Next and complete the process. Using this method, you can repair existing MS Office Installation.

Method 7: Broken MS Office Installer

It is observed that most of the time the installer file is broken and corrupted and cause the 30180-28 error code. Download the fresh copy of Installation file and try to install using this file.


This article explains the methods to fix 30180-28 – MS Office Installation/Update/Upgrade Error. If you are having the same problem then use the tricks and resolve this issue by yourself.