You may face Winsock32.dll or Wsock32 dll related issues on your Windows PC and you might wonder how to fix it. If you are already suffering due to these DLL files it means you are unable to open some applications and games, unable to boot your PC, and the program crashes randomly. The following error may pop up if there is wsock32.dll error.
This file is most important as it handles network connections. If this file goes missing or deleted then you might face difficulty in network connections and accessing the internet.
Wsock32.dll Error mainly occurs due to one of the following reasons:
- Wsock32.dll file is missing, deleted, corrupted, or damaged
- This file is replaced by other third-party software
- Registry entries are missing from this file so it is not accessible.
- Other malicious software or driver is using this file continuously.
- Your OS is not updated so, it is not recognizing the file, etc.
Here, I am listing some unique and tested methods that will help you to fix this error.
Method 1: Fix using Advanced System Repair Tool
The most common reason behind Wsock32.dll is Missing is corrupted or damaged system files like DLL files, EXE files, sys files, etc. There are thousands of tiny system files are there that work on specific tasks. If one of the files gets replaced, deleted, or damaged then you may get Wsock32.dll Not Found or Missing Error.
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Method 2: Download and Manually Replace the Wsock32.dll file
This method is a little bit tricky and risky. You must have some deep knowledge of your operating system to perform this action.
Download wsock32.dll file from the Microsoft website or another authentic website. You must not download this file from any suspicious website otherwise you will end up downloading and installing viruses/malware.
Regsvr32 wsock32.dll
Make sure that “wsock32.dll” is a valid DLL or OCX file and then try again.
Method 3: Update Windows, Driver, and all other installed applications.
Updating Windows, Driver and all other installed applications might be the best solution for fixing this DLL error. When you update windows, this process installs lots of missing file and make your PC error-free. You can update Windows as follows:
Method 4: Run System File Checker Tool
This is an inbuilt command line tool that allows you to scan your PC and repair missing or delete system files. You can use this tool as follows:
How to run System File Checker sfc /scannow and fix windows problems
In this article, I explained four ways of how to fix the Wsock32.dll is missing error. If this file goes deleted or missing you may not be able to make a proper network connection. Follow this article to fix this error.